The TAF publishing family... 

We're known as "Mom and Dad" to our kids, mostly it's "MOOOMM AND DAAADD!", but
anyway, we are Jason and Nichole Caryl, owners and publishers of Today's Avian Friend, Webmaster, avian activists, and Parents to 40+ avian children. To say that our lives are full is an understatement!
We were married on May 29th, 1993 just 4 short months after meeting. Now 5 years and 3 children later, we are finally beginning to understand each other!
Jason II was born Nov 18, 1993 and has been a handful since day one! He is quite the little artist, climber, wrestler, computer wizard, accountant and bird trainer! When he sees me doing the monthly business reports, he often will come over with the calculator and start pushing the numbers while saying.."Dad, this is costing too much money, it doesn't look good! He is such a riot.
This is Hannah,(left) born Jan 18th, 1995, and Audrey,(right) born March 8th, 1996. Hannah is our little "gimme a warm blanket and a good book" girl. She is a real mother hen. She is very meticulous about making sure that her babies(dolls) are tucked in tight for bed, and their diapers are dry! She leads the other children in the neighborhood around by the hand.
Audrey is our little tom boy! She loves to wrestle, eat dirt, climb, etc. She has been the easiest of our children. From day one, she has been content to play by herself, read to herself and sing to herself.

Some of our Avian Kids!